SHEPHERD Organizing & Coaching
Dar Shepherd

Your Partner in Creating
Tranquil Spaces
Being of Finnish heritage, I was raised in a home that was clutter free and very clean! Then I had twins when my first child was six and being organized took on new significance. I have organized the start of eight business, worked in economic development helping other small businesses, trained teachers in entrepreneurship education, delivered singing messages (my first business), trained and volunteered as a mediator, and moved twice by just using my car. I now work my organizing business schedule around the joy of caring for my grandchild two to three days a week. Ilove dancing, live music, and being in nature.
Decluttering, organizing, and coaching ~ $30 per hour.
Free virtual and in-person consult
Available for talks in person and online
To open the door and walk into tranquility. Our homes are our sanctuaries holding space for us to come home and be. Be ourselves completely letting go of the world “out there”. We relax and breathe more deeply.
My clients all say their mental health improved after
clearing the clutter.
An organized workplace is essential to our productively and well-being. Clearing the clutter, excess items, and outdated materials will leave the physical and mental space to work to our fullest potential. Stress will be reduced and new ideas will have a place to thrive.
The cost of clutter and disorganization in a business has many hidden cost. Employee time is the most expensive. Clutter also effects customer service which affects the bottom line. I will work along side you to develop a plan of action and
get the job done.
Coaching is an ongoing process that occurs before, during, and after working sessions. Together we discuss your goals, working style, expectations, barriers, and celebrate the progress. Coaching sessions may be facilitated in-person or virtually and all sessions are completely confidential.
Client Stories
"I think the amazing thing is that no matter what item I need I know exactly where it is! And even more importantly that is where I put it back. The time I now save from not having to look for things is wonderful."
Jane Hutchens
“My mental health took a positive spin to recover the sanity of a more organized and less cluttered home!"
Peter Zenti
"If you have been waiting to tackle your piles of stuff that disturb your peace of mind - give Dar a call!
I'm glad I did!"
Gwen Strom
Where to start?
If it all feels to overwhelming start small.
Start with a drawer. Empty everything out. Sort into categories. Toss what needs to go.
Decide what is useful and necessary to be in the drawer for that room.
Use containers to hold sorted items.
Actual photos of a clients kitchen drawer.
There were about 50 bread ties and many other items that truly did not belong.

We are in a movie of our own making. We are the director, headliner, set designer, wardrobe, and finance department. If we don't like the script we can change it and even write out fellow actors!
In other words, we can create what we want and how we choose to live.
We have the freedom to let go of things and people that are keeping us from experiencing our most joyous and fulfilling life. Letting go of our attachments to the past, the guilt of needing to hang on, and fear of letting go of what we “might” need in the future. Letting go of excess and living with enough. Living more easily and simply.
Life is a continuous improvement process and so is clearing excess and staying organized. We finish a room and a month later and see more things we want to let go of. Sometimes the less we have the more we want to release. It is amazing how abundantly we can live with less. We create more time, more money, and more peace.
During the clearing process each moment can become a celebration. “Look what I found.” Celebrate! “Look what I am letting go of.” Celebrate. “Look what I am not sure of.” Celebrate. “Look at this mess.” We can celebrate the opportunity to delve deeper within and uncover our true self.
Celebrate each moment of the process because this is where freedom lives. The freedom to make decisions. The freedom to let go or hang on. Our freedom to choose. To be empowered to act.
Life is a personal process. Each moment is filled with choices. We allow them to be our choices and ours alone. Our home, our stuff. Sit quietly with the feelings. We allow our heart to open and speak.
Allow love to be our guide. Love for our self and our well being.
The chaos of to much is energetically loud. It's hard to hear our self think. This is true. That is why some of us like to stay at a hotel. It's relaxing because there's not a lot to look at. Unless we overload it with all the stuff we bring. Before the suitcases come into the room there is peace and serenity. The energy is calm and relaxed.
That's the scene, the feeling many of us want at home. To open the door and walk into tranquility. Our homes are our sanctuaries holding space for us to come home and be. Be ourselves completely letting go of the world “out there”. We relax and breathe more deeply. Pause to take a moment to take off our shoes that helped support us maneuver through the time we were away, placing them neatly where they belong.
The more peaceful our environment the more calm we radiate from us when we step back out.
We can become a bright light with peaceful energy flowing all around us. Smiling because we are rested from the time spent in our sanctuary, fortified.
Phone: 906-360-3000